I received this question from one of my readers about high porosity hair and a natural way to cover grays. She has been dyeing her hair with chemicals for around 20 years.
“First, let me thank you for your informative books that I have purchased. It’s a lot of valuable information and I like that you give solutions that I’ve never heard before.
I’m transforming back to natural after going back to a perm because I was tired of fighting with my hair. I have high porosity hair. Is this because my hair is damaged?
Next, I want to stop coloring my hair and I really like the book on tea rinsing and coloring my hair with tea.
Could you recommend a natural way to cover my grays and I usually dye it light brown but I really think the color has damaged my hair since I’ve been coloring for about 20 years! Any help for me? Thanks.”
High Porosity Hair
High porosity hair has highly raised and/or chipped cuticles usually caused by overuse of heat treatments, chemical hair coloring, and over manipulation of hair strands. So yes, this is damaged hair.
Focus on repairing the damage first before trying to grow out your hair. You need to strengthen your hair with protein treatments.
Natural Way to Cover Gray Hair
In addition to coloring your hair with the recipes recommended in Tea Rinsing Secrets for Healthy Hair Care and Growth, you can also color your hair with henna and indigo.
Henna and indigo strengthen hair as well. Read A Comprehensive Guide to Coloring Natural Hair with Henna and Indigo.
Tea Rinsing Secrets for Healthy Hair Care and Growth
You can dye your hair deep blue-black, light brown, or deep auburn with henna and indigo.
Henna and indigo is a safe and chemical-free way to dye your hair, and it lasts for up to 4 months.
Tips for High Porosity Hair
50 Best Hair Care Products for High Porosity Hair features dos and don’ts of high porosity hair.
It also covers the best shampoos, daily conditioners and deep conditioners, leave-in conditioners, and best styling products for high porosity hair.
It’s imperative to repair the damage and bring your hair down to normal porosity levels if you want to see growth.
If you still don’t see any improvements after protein treatments and henna and indigo, the damage may be irreversible and you will need to trim your hair unfortunately but health before length!
Detangling with the best products will bring fighting with your hair down to a minimum.
When you feel like you don’t want to deal with your hair for a while, wigs and braids make great protective styles to get away from styling for a while.
If you have any more questions, let me know in the comments section. Happy Hair Growing! 🙂
Abi is a curly hair expert, researcher, product tester, and author of the highly-rated Healthy Hair Care Series. She is also the founder of Ade Ori Hair Care, Healthy Natural Hair Products, and Natural Oils for Hair & Beauty. HNHP has strict editorial standards and ensures all the information on Healthy Natural Hair Products is the best for natural hair care. Learn more about our Editorial Policies
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What is thesteps for dyeing hair black with henna and indigo? Can u switch back to regular dye?
There’s a comprehensive henna and indigo guide HERE. I do not recommend using commercial hair dyes on natural hair.